Titanium Industry Development History
1791 British clergyman W. Gregor (Gregor) discovered a new metal elements in black magnetite. In 1795 the German chemist M. H. Carat Preuss (Klaproth) rutile in the study also found that the elements, and is named after the Greek god of the Titans. 1910 American scientist M. A. Hunter (Hunter) for the first time with a sodium reduction TiCI: Preparation of titanium bar. 1940 Luxembourg scientist W. J. Kroll (kroll) with magnesium reduction TiCl: prepared titanium. Since then, the magnesium reduction method (also known as the Kroll process) and sodium reduction method (also known as Hunt France) became the industrial production of titanium sponge method. In 1948 the United States out of the magnesium reduction process 2t titanium sponge, from reaching industrial scale. Subsequently, the United Kingdom, Japan, the former Soviet Union and China have also entered the industrial production, one of the major producing country of the former Soviet Union titanium, Japan and the United States.
Titanium is a new metal, because it has a series of excellent features, aviation, aerospace, chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, light industry, power, desalination, ships and everyday appliances are widely used in industrial production, which is hailed for modern metal. titanium bolts metal production from 1948 has only half a century of history, it is accompanied by the aerospace industry and developed new industries. Its development has withstood several ups and downs, this is because titanium and aircraft industry-related reasons. Overall, however, the speed of development of titanium is very fast, it is more than any other non-ferrous metals pace of development. This can be seen from the development of the world's titanium sponge industry: titanium sponge production scale of the 1960s 60kt / a, 70 years for 1lOkt / a, 80 years of 130kt / a, to 1992 has reached 140kt / a. Actual production in 1990 reached record levels, as 105kt / a